Many thanks to Camp Clayton who have been working hard to enable us to put the camp on this year.
There are some things that Camp Clayton have asked that we comply with in order to run the camp:
- on arrival every individual will need to have their temperature taken by one of our staff
- anyone entering the building will need to bring a Health Screening Form signed on that day. Here is a link to the Health Screening Form (we will have some printed copies at camp)
- (for people who are staying off-site you will need to do these every day)
- please only enter the Camp Clayton buildings through the double doors to the Dining Room, where there will be a testing/signing station. If this is not manned, please wait outside until someone arrives to assist you
- please check the What to Bring page as there are some important changes that Camp Clayton have asked us to make
- anyone showing cold/flu – like symptoms, or who shows a temperature reading of over 37.4 degrees Celsius, or who are not acting in accordance with Camp Clayton’s Covid policy will be asked to leave Camp Clayton immediately
- parents – please be aware of this and be prepared that you may need to pick up your children at short notice during the week