Member Rules

These rules are to be read as forming part of the Launceston Youth & Community Orchestra Inc. (LYCO) Constitution.

All members must indicate acceptance of the Code of Conduct, Child Safe Policy and Member Rules as part of their annual membership application.

LYCO Code of Conduct

LYCO Child Safe Policy


  1. Members should pay all prescribed fees in the time frame set by the committee.
  2. Failure to pay fees may lead to members being excluded from rehearsals and concerts.
  3. All members are required to complete an annual application for membership to be approved by the committee.
  4. New members should submit their application for membership after attending three rehearsals.
  5. The committee reserves the right to refuse a membership application (ref: LYCO Constitution).


  1. If any member has any issues with any of these rules or with any other member or situation, this should be reported to the committee chair for resolution.
  2. Members should take responsibility for their own instruments and equipment at rehearsal and arrange their own insurance if needed.
  3. All members should be aware that the LYCO is a combined group. This places an extra responsibility on adults to maintain exemplary behaviour at all times.
  4. COVID-19: LYCO will continue to abide by the latest Tasmanian Government directives relating to COVID.

Sheet Music

  1. All members on accepting membership take responsibility for preparing their instrumental parts to the best of their ability.
  2. All sheet music provided should be maintained in good condition and returned to the LYCO librarian/s at the conclusion of each year or when no longer required. For copyright reasons, all practice copies provided or printed out by members remain the property of LYCO.
  3. Any member who leaves any of the orchestras before the end of the year should ensure that all sheet music is returned.
  4. Any editorial markings made on the music by members should be in pencil.


  1. Children must be brought into the rehearsal room by a parent or designated adult guardian and collected from the rehearsal room at the end of each rehearsal.
  2. The advertised rehearsal starting time is the time when the orchestra should be seated and tuning. Members should endeavour to arrive 10 minutes before this time.
  3. Members should assist where possible with setting up and packing up the orchestra before and after rehearsals.
  4. Members should undertake to attend all rehearsals. If a member will miss a rehearsal please contact admin ( in advance.
    Members with poor attendance may not be able to play in concerts.

Accepted by the LYCO committee as a document November 2007

Amended: January 2014, February 2016, May 2018, February 2019, November 2021, Nov 2022